Success of Sanju Sunar
By Education Department
अगस्त 24, 2023, 1:13 p.m.

Sanju is one of the daughters who got the scholarship. She was studying as a staff nurse for 3 years after completing 5 years of secondary level with the help of our NoChild and Cheli Nepal. The first conversation we had with her is the question we asked her. What will happen in the future? She answered that she would become a "Nurse". But today she has successfully crossed the first step. She has completed 3 years nursing course with excellent marks. Recently she got the nursing license. As soon as she finished her nursing course, she took the exam for her nursing license. She also got excellent results in that exam and recently got her nursing license. She has expressed her happiness to the Nochild team and her sponsors. “I completed my Nursing studies by scoring very good marks. Finally I got the nursing license also and I became a nurse of Nepal. That you know it's has been my dream since my childhood and I finally got successful on it. In this journey I have been faced many up and down but I get  it by the grace of God  and I am so thankful to you cause you have been supporting me since 6/7 years it's so long duration of time. Money doesn't matter but your love & support have been always helps me a lot. I remember that when I always got your letter I read it and I feel more encouraging by you. Every time you and your words gave me strength. I am so glad to become a part of your life. I always remember you in my prayers thank you for always being there for me. It's mean a lot thank you Nochild team & Garnai family for your kind and love. I really want to meet you take care God bless you Maureen and Garnai family lot's of love”.

Recommedation for you
Success Stories
Success of Sanju Sunar

Sanju is one of the daughters who got the scholarship. She was studying as a staff nurse for 3 years after completing 5 years of secondary level with the help of our NoChild and Cheli Nepal. The first conversation we had with her is the question we asked her. What will happen in the future? She answered that she would become a "Nurse". But today she has successfully crossed the first step. She has completed 3 years nursing course with excellent marks. Recently she got the nursing license. As soon as she finished her nursing course, she took the exam for her nursing license. She also got excellent results in that exam and recently got her nursing license. She has expressed her happiness to the Nochild team and her sponsors. “I completed my Nursing studies by scoring very good marks. Finally I got the nursing license also and I became a nurse of Nepal. That you know it's has been my dream since my childhood and I finally got successful on it. In this journey I have been faced many up and down but I get  it by the grace of God  and I am so thankful to you cause you have been supporting me since 6/7 years it's so long duration of time. Money doesn't matter but your love & support have been always helps me a lot. I remember that when I always got your letter I read it and I feel more encouraging by you. Every time you and your words gave me strength. I am so glad to become a part of your life. I always remember you in my prayers thank you for always being there for me. It's mean a lot thank you Nochild team & Garnai family for your kind and love. I really want to meet you take care God bless you Maureen and Garnai family lot's of love”.

Success Stories
मनिसाको सफलताको कथा

यस वर्षको माध्यममिक शिक्षा परीक्षा (Secondary Education Examination-SEE) को परीक्षामा विद्यालयको सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्थानमा पर्न सफल छोरी मनिसा कामीलाई हार्दिक वधाई छ । 

म मनिषा कामी । मेरो घर चितवन जिल्लाको कालिका नगरपालिका अन्तर्गत वडा नं. ३ मा पर्दछ । म अहिले रेडक्रस मा. वि. बाट SEE पास भएर कक्षा ११ मा पढ्ने तरखरमा छु । मेरो घरमा बुबा, आमा, दिदी, भाइ र म गरी जम्मा ५ जना बस्छौँ । म एक गरिब परिवारमा जन्मिएकी छोरी हुँ । बिहान बेलुकाको छाक टार्न समेत गाह्रो छ ।  बुबाआमाले दुःख गरेर पढाउँदै गर्दा पहिले चेली नेपालले दिदीलाई छात्रवृत्ति दिएर पढाइको लागि सहायता गरेको थियो ।  बुबाआमाले घरमा दिदीलाई असल बाटो देखाउन नसकेकै कारणले होला उहाँले गलत निर्णय गरेर सानै उमेरमा विवाह गर्नुभयो । दिदीको विवाहपछि चेली नेपालले मलाई छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान गर्यो । त्यसको साथै चेली नेपालले ट्यूसनको समेत व्यवस्था गरिदियो । ट्यूसन सुरु हुनुभन्दा पहिले म पढाइप्रति कुनै चासो राख्दिनथे । ट्यूसन सुरु भएपछि पनि म पढ्न जादैनथे ।  गए पनि हल्ला गरेर बस्ने गर्थे । जब म प्रथम त्रैमासिक परीक्षामा सबै विषयमा अनुत्तीर्ण भएँ ।  त्यसपछि ट्यूसन सेन्टरको मिस विद्यालयमा गएर रिजल्ट हेर्नुभयो र त्यो रिजल्ट घरमा आमालाई देखाएर सम्झाउनुभयो । त्यो रिजल्ट देखेर आमा रुनु भयो । आमा रोएको देखेर मलाई साह्रै नरमाइलो लाग्यो । मैले अबदेखि राम्रोसँग पढ्ने वाचा मनमनै गरेँ । त्यस दिनदेखि मैले दिनरात मिहिनेत गरेर पढ्न थालेँ । ट्यूसन सेन्टरको मिसले दिनुभएको सल्लाह, सुझाब र हौसलालाई मानेर निरन्तर मिहिनेत गरेको कारण म एस ई ई परीक्षामा विद्यालयकै प्रथम हुन सफल भएँ । हिजो मेरो कारण रुनुभएको मेरी आमाको ओठमा हाँसो ल्याउन सफल भएकोमा आज म धेरै खुसी छु । यसको श्रेय म विशेष गरेर ट्यूसन सेन्टरका सरहरु र मिसलाई नै दिन चाहन्छु । आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि हजुरहरुको माया र मार्गदर्शनको आशा गर्दछु  । मलाई छात्रवृति दिने दाताप्रति आभारी छु । 

धन्यवाद !

Success Stories
मेरो सफलता अरु चेलीहरुको सफलता हो

मेरो सफलता अरु चेलीहरुको सफलता ठानेको छु ।

पवित्रा कुमाल श्रीमानबाट पाएको पीडा र दुव्र्यवहारलाई सहन नसकी आफ्नो कलिलो बालकलाई छोडेर भारतमा गएर केही कमाउँछु र आफ्नै कमाईले बाँच्छु र छोरालाई पढाउल्छु भनेर भारत तर्फको जोखिमपूर्ण यात्राकै क्रममा नेपाल भारतको सीमानाकाबाट उहाँ उद्धार हुनुभयो । अनि चेली नेपालको तालिम केन्द्रमा प्रवेश गरेर हाउस वाईरिंग तथा इलेक्ट्रीकल तालिम सुरु गर्नुभयो । उहाँले तालिम अवधिभर अनुशासित भएर सीप सिक्नुभयो । त्यसपछि प्राविधिक सीप तथा व्यवसायी तालिम परिषद् ९ऋयगलअष् िायच त्भअजलष्अब िबलम ख्यअबतष्यलब ित्चबष्लष्लन ९ऋत्भ्ख्त्० को विद्युतीय उप–निरीक्षक पाठ्यक्रमहरुको लागि प्रस्ताव गरेको राष्ट्रिय परीक्षामा भाग लिनुभयो । त्यस परीक्षामा जम्मा २४ जना सहभागी भएकोमा ७ जना महिला मात्र थिए । परीक्षामा ३ जना मात्र उत्तीर्ण हुने एकमात्र महिला हुन् हुनुहुन्छ पवित्रा कुमाल । 

“यो मेरो आफनो छोराको लागि गाढा माया हो । जीवनमा कहिल्यै पनि हार नमान्ने, हरेक चुनौतीहरुको समना गर्ने मेरो चाहना छ र म मेरो छोरालाई पनि यस्तै बनाउन चाहन्छु । उसलाई देखाउन चाहन्छु कि कडा परिश्रमले जस्तो सुकै काम गर्न पनि सम्भव छ ।”

अहिले उहाँले आफ्ना सहकर्मीहरुसँग मिलेर चितवनमै आफ्नै व्यवसाय सुरु गर्नुभएकोे छ । छोरी पवित्राको उत्कृष्ट उपलब्धिमा गर्व गछौँ र उहँलाई हार्दिक वधाई दिन्छौं ।

Success Stories
Commis III chef (फाष्टफूड)

यस तालिम केन्द्रमा रहेर पाक शिक्षा (Fast-Food) को तालिम प्राप्त गरी विभिन्न होटेल व्यवसायमा काम गरी यसै केन्द्रमा पाक शिक्षा (Fast-Food) को प्रशिक्षकको रुपमा कार्यरत प्रतिक्षा थिङले प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा व्यवसायिक तालिम परिषद (Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training - CTEVT) बाट Commis III chef (फाष्टफूड)लेभल १ को सीप परीक्षण परीक्षा  सफलतापूर्व उतीर्ण गर्नुभएकोले उहाँको प्रगतिको कामनाका साथ हार्दिक वधाई ज्ञापन गर्दछौं ।